Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Role Model Interview #3 / Goal Chart

This week I chose to interview two people in the world of pharmacy. The first is Dr. Richard Rooney, the Director of Pharmacy at the VA Jesse Brown Memorial Hospital. It is a bit of an interesting story how Dr. Rooney and I came into contact with each other. As the VP of the UIC undergraduate pre-pharmacy club, I was tasked to find a guest/keynote speaker for the organizations end of the year banquet. After having my 3 potential speakers back out on me, after they said they would/could do this for me,  I began to get nervous. It was my first real task, as the vice president, to find a speaker that was able to not only come in and speak, but further increase the club members interest in the world of pharmacy. Then I got an idea, I called a friend/associate of mine at the VA Jesse Brown hospital.  I emailed Ms. Valerie Creedon, the OIF and OEF project manager at the hospital and explained my situation. She called me back within 20 minutes. She was so excited, she said, that she didn't want to email. Valerie told me she had the perfect person to speak at the banquet. After a few minutes of telling me who Dr. Rooney was, and how much of a fantastic individual he was, I began to get excited. Valerie said she had already emailed Dr. Rooney and he was delighted to come and speak. I then emailed Dr. Rooney. In his response, he confirmed what Valerie had told me. Oh happy day! Then I had another idea. I figured that if Dr. Rooney was interested, I could use him as another one of my role models for my blog interview. I asked, and I was extremely delighted when he said that he would make time to allow me to interview him for a class project. So I set up a meeting with Dr. Rooney when it was convenient for him,  and I asked him similar questions to those that I asked the other interviewees. Thank you in advance Dr. Rooney!!!


JJ: How did you get your start in pharmacy? What were your biggest influences in making this decision? Had you always wanted to be a pharmacist?

DR: When I was a junior in high school, my best friends dad encouraged me to go into pharmacy because he though I was pretty intelligent young man. Therefore, I did.


JJ: Where did you get your Pharm. D.? What type of job did you have before you became a pharmacist? I graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1974 with a bachelor’s in biology. I obtained my Pharm. D. in 1984 from the University of Nebraska College of Pharmacy.


JJ: How big of a role did the military play a role or help you in becoming a pharmacist? After becoming a pharmacist?

DR: I graduated from pharmacy school in 1984. I joined the military in 1985. My military occupation was a 67 Echo, a military pharmacist. Being a pharmacist in the military helped a lot because the military preaches the LDRSHIP values as a code of conduct for all military personnel. So in addition to learning everything I could about pharmacy, I also learned quite a bit about how to be a good person.


JJ: How did you come into the position of pharmacy director for the Jesse Brown Medical Center? Describe your transition from pharmacist to director of pharmacy?

DR: I always had aspirations of joining the military, eve as a child. I got into the VA in 1978. After my first three years in pharmacy school, I signed up to join the Air Force. After my basic training I went to a 1-year pharmacy administration-training program. Shortly, afterwards, I ended up at Scott Air force Base in Louisiana, where I set up the first unit dose program for the entire military base. After that I became a pharmacy instructor in the military and worked my way up until I obtained the position I’m in now.


JJ:  What do you like/ enjoy most about being a pharmacist/ director of pharmacy?

DR: As a pharmacist, I like the idea that I can help people take charge of their health. As the director of pharmacy, I like the idea of being able to help doctors and nurses help people take control of their personal health. Plus, as an administrator, you have control over what goes on with different clinical groups.


JJ: What do you like least about being a pharmacist/ director of pharmacy?

DR: As a kid, I always enjoyed helping people. So I can honestly say, that as long as I’m helping people in their everyday lives then there is nothing to dislike.


JJ: Do you have any advice for a young man who is attempting to do what you accomplished? Is there anything that I should be aware of or cautious of?

DR: Throughout life, you are going to have to learn to impress people in order to get to a position that you want. Influence people above, below and on peer level. Establish a good rapport with the people on these levels. Other than that, keep your grades up.


JJ: If there was one thing that you know now that you wish you would have known back then? What is it?

DR: Always have a back up plan, in case your first idea falls through.


JJ: What is your fondest memory of being a pharmacist? What is your greatest achievement or accomplishment, if different from fondest memory?

DR: Getting residency program started here at the VA Jesse Brown Medical center started back in 1991. Then helping and watching people mature through this system and become magnificent pharmacists.


JJ: When do you feel like you’ve done enough and decide to retire? What are your post retirement activities?

DR: I’ve been in the military for 22 years, in pharmacy for 31 plus, I’m working until I get my 40 years in pharmacy. Then I can retire, happily, with my two respective pensions.


My next interview was with a Ms. Kayla Stanford, a pharmacy technician, at a local Walgreen’s drug store.


JJ: How long have you been working at Walgreen’s? Have you always worked in the pharmacy there?

KS: About two years and two months. Yes, but I’ve had other jobs prior to working there.


JJ: What made you want to get a job in the pharmacy?

KS: I knew that I would have to get a job in the pharmacy prior to pharmacy school. I wanted to see if pharmacy was something I would be interested in doing, before I decided to spend the next eight years in school for something that I didn’t like doing.


JJ: What influences did you have to want to become a pharmacist?

KS: When I got the job, I immediately enjoyed working in the pharmacy so that was obviously a big influence. Also, the amount of money attracted me to the profession as well. However, prior to these I had a talk with my mom about what I wanted to do in my professional career. She suggested pharmacy and I’ve been on that path ever since.



JJ: What do like most about working in the pharmacy?

KS: I like the face-to-face interaction with the patients.


JJ: What do you like least about working in the pharmacy?

KS: I dislike calling insurance companies to verify a patient’s insurance, because many of the customer service representatives from these companies have horrible attitude. Also, when people write themselves fake prescriptions or call in phony prescriptions. Both are extremely stressful and time consuming.


JJ: What helped you most in studying for your licensing exam?

KS: My employer, Walgreen, paid for a 4-week training course, the materials for the class, gas reimbursement, and once I passed the course, I received a raise.


JJ: Do you have any advice for me as young man planning on entering the world of pharmacy?

KS: If you want to work in pharmacy, get job experience in various types of pharmacies. For example, retail, hospital, etcetera, just to see if pharmacy is something that you really want to do.

1 comment:

  1. Great questions you asked for your interview. I can imagine how much the interviews helped you move towards your goal to pharmacy.

    Ben O.
